Saturday, July 11, 2015

"When the solution is simple, God is answering.”

“When the solution is simple, God is answering.”- Albert Einstein  
It is totally fascinating to know that one of the worlds greatest scientist was a believer in a Divine presence. When I talk to people daily, I find that people have two different perspectives: One of a Divine (Something) or Nothing. Hard core don’t you think? 

Albert Einstein, in my opinion a humble man; he knew his limits and his strengths. I think all of his quotes support this theory. He continued to believe in himself and that of a Divine presence. 

Being a Spiritualist I feel a connection with this type of thinking. I can believe both in a Divine Presence as well as science. Energy, as Albert taught us, cannot be destroyed only altered. Humans, we are energy. We are all energy, the trees, bugs, plants and even the wind. What happens if God was energy? We were all made in “its” image? What if God was an Atom? 

Interesting isn’t it? Albert knew that he didn’t know much of anything, (as well as Socrates). Knowing that you don’t know everything, is knowing… 


Friday, July 10, 2015

"Health is the Great Gift...."

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”-Buddha 

Buddha was a man, not divine. He has follower that believe in a divine story but mostly he was a man. Buddha has touch my life with his words more times than I can count. Simple phrases and meditations to reach the place called: “Nirvana.”

Have studied a little bit of eastern cultures in College. I find that most of the time, if you practice meditation or even one of the energy arts (Reiki, Qi Qong or Tai Chi) you kind of have a understand what Buddha meant. 

In Western Culture, I find that our society has forgotten these core values and understandings about human life. Back when we were a new species, getting through each day was a blessing either of divine blessing or human willpower. 

Now we find ourselves working more hours than being at home with family. Eating food so fast that one of the biggest business is a “Fast Food” restaurant. We forget because we don’t appreciate the love that we have around us. That being comfortable in your own skin… is considered even taboo.. Its all about MONEY, POWER and POSITION. 

I hate this about our society, I have a degree in Performing Arts. When I go out, and I say this to people. They look at me as if, “Well, you wasted college.” HOW DARE YOU!How dare you take someones “contentment” in life and make a mockery of it. I am comfortable in my own skin. I hate that because I have a degree in an “art” that it is consider useless. I have just as great skills as the next person with a business degree. I can read people, understand and even read. 

Americans have forgotten there core values. Forgotten even how to be human. WE EVEN FORGOT HOW TO BE HEALTHY! Because we are to busy working or hiding who we really are to please someone. 

Enough of this, be blessed because you have breath, and remember that we all die, and take nothing with us and leave our legacy. Whats your legacy? 


Thursday, July 9, 2015

"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."

“Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.”
  • Maya Angelou 

One of my favorite people to read is Maya Angelou. Being one of the most influential people of my life. I love reading her poems as well as her positive words of encouragement about life. She was an “Angel”ou to the world. Gracing us with her presence as long as she did. 

The reason behind this quotes is that positivity seems to be in short supply as of late. Everyone seems to be fighting over whatever they can fight about or evening bitching about the dumbest of things. 

Since I was a little lad, I always enjoyed making people laugh.  I love to be the shoulder when someone needs it. It makes me… feel ,well, important. And resembling a Leprechaun, I thought that this quote was appropriate. 
The message here, that one act of kindness daily. Simply, checking in on a friend, or calling a grandparent can make a someone’s month. Knowing that someone cares about you, that someone thought of you for even a second. Can make or break-up the clouds.
Stay positive, stay happy, and always love. 


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

"It is the mark of an Educated mind..."

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
  • Aristotle 

In recent events, the USA has been through some philosophical changes. Such as how the government sees the LGBT community and how Dukes of Hazards is really racist. This quotes seems the most relevant to me about the general education of the United States of America. Seriously, can’t we understand that everyone see the world in its own unique way? Even when you talk to people of the same faith, I would guarantee that most of those people can’t explain their faith the same way or even understand God in the same way.

Aristotle, a personal hero of mine, was the father of many of the disciplines that now inherit the human population. In fact, without his teaching and ideas, i doubt that we would have discovered most of the advances that we have now; including education.

Saying this, I believe that the USA, as a whole, has the most privileges, with least amount of education. American’s can only “feel” without logical thought or argument. Specially, the older generation who is “used” to the old ways of living (Most of them). America is about freedom, but only to those who are privileged to have it. SERIOUSLY, you don’t see the other side of this coin?

I believe that any person should be able to have an argument, with serious understanding of the other side, without knowing that, how can you even get into a logical battle? 
I guess what I am asking is, before you fight, before you make a “Dumb” statement. Think about what you are saying.. And save the rest of from reading in on Facebook a hundred times over.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

"I always like to look on the optimistic side of life..."

“I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.”
-Walt Disney 

I think of myself as a optimistic person; that the world is a giving and a loving place. Which to most people may sound naive. Walt Disney, the creator of a world of his own. That to this day, lives on and on. What a powerful thought, that a man that struggled so much, found such success and made it to the halls of history. 

Why is life more  complex that it needs to me? If you step out of the human condition, life is about survival.. So does that mean that life is about killing or be killed kind of attitude? I, personally, think that the human races and others species was put here for another purpose. 

Life is about love. Finding love and growing with that love. Each stage of our life, even before we can speak, we must learn love. If not, we would not survive. Our bodies would crumble and our lives would cease at a very young age. Life is complex is because our minds make it that way. 

Mr. Disney gave the world not only great family fun, but he show us how to handle the hardship of life.  That no matter how many times he got pushed down, he got back up. Either it be because of his optimistic mind or his willpower. No one will know. I choose to be optimistic about life because thats what I want to spread… No situation has a “Yes” or “No” answer to it. There are ways to make it “Great” for everyone. 

When faced with life’s dark tunnels, find the light. Find the humor and the story behind the situation. Our lives, are so small compared that to a tree but long compared to a fly. But both beings know how to enjoy the sun. 


Monday, July 6, 2015

"Not all those who Wander are Lost."

“Not all those who Wander are lost.” - J.R.R.  Tolkien

Amazing the quotes that hit at home. I, personally, love reading and understanding quotes from our past. J.R.R. Tolkien is my favorite author by far. He wrote both my favorite story, as well as my hero: Gandalf (In all shades).   

“Not All those who wander are lost” was written about Aragon in the stories because Aragon literally spends most of his life as a wander of the earth. He learns about his heritage and what the future may lie for him. He also took this time to understand his many skills and since he is blessed with longevity, he can spend most of his time doing so. It wasn’t until Gandalf, kicked him(for-say), to get him on his journey that he realized how important he was to the world.  

For me, this quote describes my life. Everyone around me thinks I am kind of floating through the seems of existence without a plan. This is totally authentic. To be honest, I don’t know what skills I possess or how those skills will be used to forage my life’s story. I can only begin to imagine what Sauron’s I will be facing.  

I may be wandering, but I am not lost… At least not yet. 
