Friday, July 10, 2015

"Health is the Great Gift...."

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”-Buddha 

Buddha was a man, not divine. He has follower that believe in a divine story but mostly he was a man. Buddha has touch my life with his words more times than I can count. Simple phrases and meditations to reach the place called: “Nirvana.”

Have studied a little bit of eastern cultures in College. I find that most of the time, if you practice meditation or even one of the energy arts (Reiki, Qi Qong or Tai Chi) you kind of have a understand what Buddha meant. 

In Western Culture, I find that our society has forgotten these core values and understandings about human life. Back when we were a new species, getting through each day was a blessing either of divine blessing or human willpower. 

Now we find ourselves working more hours than being at home with family. Eating food so fast that one of the biggest business is a “Fast Food” restaurant. We forget because we don’t appreciate the love that we have around us. That being comfortable in your own skin… is considered even taboo.. Its all about MONEY, POWER and POSITION. 

I hate this about our society, I have a degree in Performing Arts. When I go out, and I say this to people. They look at me as if, “Well, you wasted college.” HOW DARE YOU!How dare you take someones “contentment” in life and make a mockery of it. I am comfortable in my own skin. I hate that because I have a degree in an “art” that it is consider useless. I have just as great skills as the next person with a business degree. I can read people, understand and even read. 

Americans have forgotten there core values. Forgotten even how to be human. WE EVEN FORGOT HOW TO BE HEALTHY! Because we are to busy working or hiding who we really are to please someone. 

Enough of this, be blessed because you have breath, and remember that we all die, and take nothing with us and leave our legacy. Whats your legacy? 


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